Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Disappointment leads to resentment.

I'm disappointed.

With everything I have going on right now. I can't help but feel disappointed with work, with my friends and family and with myself. I'm tired of doing the day to day and that rat race has finally caught up.

I tend to give a lot of myself and while I don't expect the same in return, it's nice to know that sometimes it does come back to me 100%. That hasn't been happening lately and because of it, my feelings of resentment are growing. It's painful for me to even think like that. I'm not that person who keeps track. But I'm spreading myself thin and I can't bring myself to let it out to those I usually trust.

Maybe I just need a good night's sleep.


Eveline said...

You just spoke my mind! Lately, i've been feeling quite the same way. Nice blog. Keep writing!

Leen said...

my friend, it's called you're about to get your period. don't trip- men get that ish too. =)